EA App for Windows Officially Arrives, Will Soon Replace Origin as EA’s Primary PC Platform


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
EA has announced that its new EA app has finally left its open beta phase and is available for anyone to download.

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...and if it is mandatory in order to play their games, I'll just pass on their games (or if there is something I am really into, I guess I'll just use the community edition)

I'm sick and tired of required launchers/stores installed on my machine.

If I can't get it on either Steam or GoG without having them install another launcher/store/app or trequiring me to create an account, I'll just say "nah".
If I can't get it on either Steam or GoG without having them install another launcher/store/app or trequiring me to create an account, I'll just say "nah".
Amen brotha.

What I don't understand is why SW Squadrons is the one EA game on Steam that does NOT require Origin. I thought this was the start of a new trend. Apparently not.
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