Square Enix Hasn’t Sent Forspoken Codes to Multiple Reviewers


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Square Enix might be afraid of what video game reviewers might be saying about its latest RPG, particularly those who have a tendency to be brutally honest. According to tweets from various publications, including VGC and Windows Central, the publisher behind Final Fantasy hasn't sent out Forspoken codes to multiple reviewers yet, something that seems alarming, particularly with it being a big-budget, triple-A, and highly marketed game. Naturally, critics of Square Enix are claiming that this is because the title is no good.

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Well it does send up red flags when a company refuses to let reviewers touch their games before launch. That's usually cuz they don't want reviewers hating on the game and reducing launch-day sales. If you're proud of your game and want people to see how good it is so it sells, you won't try to hide it, and hope people pick it up blindly.
I don't need this as proof that the title is bad. It was obvious since they first revealed any in game footage that this will be a disaster, unless they fire the entire development team and start again from zero. Asset flip quality. No coherent visual style, a game developed to placeholder quality.
Well it does send up red flags when a company refuses to let reviewers touch their games before launch. That's usually cuz they don't want reviewers hating on the game and reducing launch-day sales. If you're proud of your game and want people to see how good it is so it sells, you won't try to hide it, and hope people pick it up blindly.

They have released a demo some weeks ago on PS5 so they don't seem that scared, but I see that some publications have a tendency to destroy/hate everything so they get more traffic to their site.

Won't blame companies if they try to avoid such companies, as long as there are multiple reviews available for the public to check out.
They have released a demo some weeks ago on PS5 so they don't seem that scared, but I see that some publications have a tendency to destroy/hate everything so they get more traffic to their site.

Won't blame companies if they try to avoid such companies, as long as there are multiple reviews available for the public to check out.
Who are you talking about? Which sites (in plural) hate everything for traffic? I don't think they'd last very long if they posted phony reviews.
Who are you talking about? Which sites (in plural) hate everything for traffic? I don't think they'd last very long if they posted phony reviews.
You would think - but it seems outrage gets more clicks than fawning.

For the streamers in particular: Anything they can find to stir up **** really. I don’t watch a lot of them so that may be why, but I can recall a bunch of “OMG this sucks” and not a lot of “OMG this rox”
You would think - but it seems outrage gets more clicks than fawning.

For the streamers in particular: Anything they can find to stir up **** really. I don’t watch a lot of them so that may be why, but I can recall a bunch of “OMG this sucks” and not a lot of “OMG this rox”
I mean... what games are you talking about? I know your opinion is colored by your own experience. But I find even the articles I read about a game talking about what they got wrong, spend a fair bit talking about what they got right and in many cases still call the game good overall.

But lets not kid ourselves. Square Enix has been ****ting the bed lately for quality games. Demo's haven't helped them either.
You would think - but it seems outrage gets more clicks than fawning.

For the streamers in particular: Anything they can find to stir up **** really. I don’t watch a lot of them so that may be why, but I can recall a bunch of “OMG this sucks” and not a lot of “OMG this rox”
Streamers are not outlets where people go for reviews. The OP specifically mentioned "site" so, what site does this? In my experience they do the opposite, upsell everything fearing the wrath of fans, which I can see why, see my next paragraph bellow.

I mean... what games are you talking about? I know your opinion is colored by your own experience. But I find even the articles I read about a game talking about what they got wrong, spend a fair bit talking about what they got right and in many cases still call the game good overall.
Exactly, this seems to be recurring issue, a review has even a slight critique some people start yelling from the sidelines "why do you hate on it". I particularly often get accused of hating everything. When in reality my reviews are quite top heavy score wise. Meaning I rated almost 90% of all games I reviewed either good 6/10, very good 7/10, excellent 8/10, great 9/10 or transformative 10/10.

I only gave a 1/10 score once, and funnily enough it was for the demo of Outriders, a Square Enix product from not so long ago.
I only gave a 1/10 score once, and funnily enough it was for the demo of Outriders, a Square Enix product from not so long ago.
That's because outsiders is bad. Very bad. I played the free version demo thing and it wa so very bad.
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