Recent content by 5150 Joker

  1. Intel: “Good Job, AMD, but We Still Have the Highest-Performing CPUs”

    He's right, its on average 5-6% faster at stock and probably more when overclocked but also has 4 less cores which makes it a less attractive option for new system builders. I have a 9900K @ 5 ghz currently but if I was building a new PC right now, it would be Ryzen 3900X with an X570 board.
  2. AMD's Equivalent to Nvidia Highlights?

    Why did you even side grade in the first place? The 5700XT isn't exactly a worthy upgrade to a 1080.
  3. Wolfenstein: Youngblood Performance Review

    A free 4% gain from off to balanced with no degradation in IQ seems pretty good to me.
  4. AMD's Equivalent to Nvidia Highlights?

    They don't have a similar feature to highlights afaik.
  5. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    AMD cited those numbers, how are they incorrect? Do you know something they don't?
  6. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    So mindfactory in just one country is more representative than Steam's millions of users? Yeah ok dude keep the dream alive. Here's an actual industry source for servers as of Nov 2018: As of Q1 2019 this is AMD's report on their marketshare...
  7. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    You're not serious are you? Those are compiled by some dude and only specifically to one German retailer. Here's an overall metric that is far more meaningful: I'll give it another 3 month lag for Ryzen 2 but I don't predict it to move more...
  8. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    What are you talking about? NVIDIA is covered top down and eclipses AMD in every metric from the top down in sales. The only thing AMD has going for it is Ryzen (which hasn't really made a dent in the market) and console sales. Go look at any of the % marketshare charts and you will see AMD is...
  9. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    Visuals is only part of the equation. You have to ask yourself as a reviewer and consumer: Why are people purchasing these graphics cards? Well the answer is obviously complex and multifaceted but online MP gaming is probably the biggest reason of them all. Specifically the titles I mentioned as...
  10. AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and RX 5700 Video Card Review

    One thing I mentioned on the Hard|OCP forums that I'd like to bring up here: There is a severe lack of testing of the most popular PC games by reviewers. Titles such as R6:S (not just the canned built in benchmark but actual gameplay), Fortnite, Apex Legends, PUBG, League of Legends, World of...
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