Delisted Deadpool Game Hits $800+ on Keyshops


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The PC version of Deadpool remains available despite its removal from Steam years ago, but players will have to pay outrageous prices for it, according to current listings of the action-adventure game that Activision and High Moon Studios originally released for Windows, PS3, and Xbox 360 in 2013.

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Why was it dropped from PC after the work was already put into developing it again?

So, I googled it, and it turns out it was an expiration of a license between Activision and Marvel, meaning Activision no longer had the rights to use Marvel characters. Sounds like that license was written really poorly. Sure, if it expires, they shouldn't be able to develop NEW content, but it should never have been written in such a way that already developed content has to be taken off the market or removed.

I can totally understand wanting to pay for something like this, but this may be one of those cases where "community editions" are justified.
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