Anyone do a Win 11 upgrade from 10 (not a clean install)? Does it keep apps?


FPS Junkie
Aug 15, 2019
Google says it keeps apps and data but I have doubts, bc previous win upgrades have never kept my apps intact. Data from my documents etc sure. But I don't want to reinstall a 1000 things and I'm just wondering if this smoke dream is reality yet.

I thought I might ride Win 10 into the ground and beyond, but I'm looking at fairly major hardware upgrades this year and plug and pray doesn't always work out.

I'm gonna try it on one of my laptops, but those have fairly limited installs. My main PC rig is a WHOLE different story. I've been riding on the same Win 10 install for like 10 years now, upgrading bits of hardware here and there. But this one will be a new mobo and that usually throws a wrench into the gears.
Never ever do an upgrade install. It always... ALWAYS leaves junk behind dying don't need or want and causes issues with long term use.
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