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  1. CD PROJEKT RED Releases Statement Regarding Cyberpunk 2077’s “Mandatory” Crunch Time

    I don’t get how people are defending CDPR. Why? Crunch has been a huge eyesore on the gaming industry. Articles, interviews, videos, and etc have come out showing how bad it is. People here saying oh I work 5-10 hours overtime is nothing compared to what these people do. These people work 12...
  2. CD PROJEKT RED Releases Statement Regarding Cyberpunk 2077’s “Mandatory” Crunch Time

    The difference is you work overtime for 5 - 10 hours. Crunch is much more then this. These people will work 6 days a week at most likely 10-12 hour days. That turns into 60-72 hours a week. That doesn’t include the all nighters and the 7 day work weeks that will happen. Your comparing it to...
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