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  1. Intel Tiger Lake-U Benchmark Claims Performance Improvements of Up to 62% over Ice Lake-U

    That's assuming this is true, Intel can put them out in volume and AMD doesn't have something similar or better.
  2. Movies Are Getting Patched Now: Universal Is Updating “Cats” with “Improved Visual Effects”

    Who cares about anything updated for this movie. I got the Black Friday $2/month Hulu with commercials deal and the trailer for this movie played over and over. The only thing I could think of was how **** creepy it looked. Who would want to watch something like this other than furries?
  3. AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT Gets Substantial Performance Bump on PCIe 4.0 vs. 3.0

    I didn't realize the card only ran at x8 PCI-e. It's not something I've ever looked up before as I figured any card would be x16. This is quite annoying to me as I was possibly looking to pick up a 5500XT if I can come up with the money to replace my ancient HD5770 and this one is about the max...
  4. The Witcher Debuts on Netflix: Critics’ Reactions Are Mixed, but Audiences Seem to Love It

    I just finished watching it and I thought it was great. I've only played the first two games and haven't read any of the books but found it quite entertaining and recommend it strongly. I'm not sure what anyone is going on about regarding the humor. There's not very much humor at all and what...
  5. James Cameron on "Avatar 2" Breaking "Avengers" Box Office Record: "It's a Certainty"

    I won't be helping him with ticket sales. I haven't even watched the first one and have no desire to. As someone already mentioned it was a different time when the first released. Many people have said the movie was little more than a tech demo as the story was not very good and seemed to be a...
  6. AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT Gets Substantial Performance Bump on PCIe 4.0 vs. 3.0

    I don't understand why this would be the case. There's no way that card could saturate the PCI-e 3.0 bus to the point where you would need PCI-e 4.0. I'm wondering how exactly they tested the card to come up with these numbers. If they used an x570 board did they use a 3xxx CPU for all of it...
  7. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” Is Shaping Up to Be a Critical Disaster

    The clones during the Clone Wars were slow grown clones. The ones from the Thrawn trilogy were fast grown, in most cases in about 30 days. Thrawn used the ysalimiri to block off the Force specifically so the clones could be grown much faster without being mentally unstable. Growing them without...
  8. 2021 Cadillac Escalade to Sport Massive 38-Inch Curved OLED Display

    Don't forget that a few years later at best the screen will die from something or another and the cost to replace will probably be more than the vehicle will be worth. It's another huge issue I have with these displays over simple and reliable mechanical gauges and controls.
  9. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” Is Shaping Up to Be a Critical Disaster

    I agree that part of the ending of The Last Command was weak but the issue with Luke and the clone Luuke wasn't exactly contrived. Throughout the trilogy Luke was always able to sense something "off" about the clone troopers and pilots due to the way they were grown. Luke's issues with his own...
  10. 2021 Cadillac Escalade to Sport Massive 38-Inch Curved OLED Display

    Am I the only person who still prefers simple mechanical gauges for the instrument cluster and simple mechanical controls for the radio and HVAC? I can glance down at my instrument cluster and see everything I need in a split second. I can control the radio and HVAC without taking my eyes off...
  11. Star Wars Fans Are Beginning to Realize That the Sequel Trilogy Is Worse than the Prequels

    This is something I've had issues with before. I never saw Han as a bad guy who turned good. At worst he had a firm grip on reality and acted as he had to in the life he led. It was always my understanding that he wasn't a smuggler because he liked crime. He was a smuggler because he was good at...
  12. Star Wars Fans Are Beginning to Realize That the Sequel Trilogy Is Worse than the Prequels

    I think you misunderstood what I was saying. My statement was meant to be read that if Episode 8 had actually continued the story from 7 and filled in the blanks of many things which were missing from 7 it could have been decent. The problem is that Episode 8 ignored Episode 7 and went off and...
  13. Lord of the Rings Amazon Series Information from IndieWire

    There's a lot they can do regarding the Second Age but they will be limited on exactly what they can and cannot do depending on the material they have access to. If they have access to the Silmarillion then we could see just about anything which happened in the Second Age since that's where the...
  14. Activision Is Charging Modern Warfare Players $20 to See Their Kill-Death Ratio

    The last time I played online FPS games I usually had horrible K/D ratios simply because I was a team player. I tended to play medic or engineer mostly so it wasn't my job to make sure everything died. However, I did have to suicide a lot in order to get things done to continue the match/map. As...
  15. Star Wars Fans Are Beginning to Realize That the Sequel Trilogy Is Worse than the Prequels

    I've known since I first start Episode 8 that the prequels were better. Despite all the major and massive flaws in Episode 7 there was still promise especially if they filled in many of the blanks left from Episode 7 and did a good job continuing the story. Since none of that happened and...
  16. Report: Less than 10% of Americans Are Buying Flagship ($1,000+) Smartphones

    I still can't believe the numbers are even this high. I think it's sad that phones have gotten this expensive and people are actually buying them. I assume most of the purchases have been made through carriers at the $x per month extra on the bill for the phone because otherwise I simply don't...
  17. Keanu Reeves Day: “Matrix 4” and “John Wick 4” Are Both Being Released on May 21, 2021

    I would expect the release date for at least one of the movies to be changed. Generally speaking you do not see major movies being released on the same day/week anymore simply because movie studios don't want to risk lower ticket sales due to direct competition.
  18. Bernie Sanders's $150 Billion Plan to Bring High-Speed Internet to All, Dismantle Monopolies

    And the exact same thing would happen the last time they did this. The big companies would get all the money because no one else would be able to do it. Then they'd turn around and spend about 10% of it on what they were supposed to, say it's too expensive and difficult because reasons. They'd...
  19. Streamer "GiantWaffle" Sets World Record by Playing Video Games for 572 Hours

    Playing video games is supposed to be fun. Emphasis on the "playing" part. I simply don't understand how anyone would want to watch someone else play a game. It's not something I am capable of fathoming. As for the guy in the article. I swear if I had ever done anything like that it would...
  20. Plex Launches Free, Ad-Supported Movie/TV Streaming Service with Thousands of Titles

    I don't think it's about forcing people into getting something like a Roku. It's more likely it wasn't worth the development and support resources to keep up with it since so many had already started using Rokus and the like. The Roku plugin for Plex is surprisingly good and I have it setup on...
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