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  1. AMD Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs and 500 Series Motherboards Have Abnormally High Failure Rates, Suggests PowerGPU

    Seems like somebody ought to revisit this potential issue, because over the course of this last six months or so, and especially the last two or three, I've been seeing WAY more Ryzen 5000 series forum threads over at TH resulting in bad CPUs that have been replaced under warranty than for any...
  2. NVIDIA Rumored to Start Production of GeForce RTX 30 Series SUPER GPUs for Desktops This Quarter

    No, it's a sad and ridiculous time for PC hardware. Period. The situation with other hardware is just getting worse and worse regardless of whether they say "things are improving". Improving for WHO? Not for enthusiasts or regular consumers, that is for GD sure. Why in the world would you...
  3. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series Rumored to Launch by Q4 2022, Double the Performance of GeForce RTX 3090

    The bottom line is, regardless of opinions, none of this matters when companies can't put enthusiast hardware in the hands of enthusiasts at prices that are realistically commensurate with what the product is, or at all. Period.
  4. Developer of Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story “Categorically Refuses” to Censor Controversial Game Amid Death Threats

    Not sure at ALL why they are focusing on THIS game anyhow. Game mechanics seem "off". The character running and moving looks very early 90's, at best. Surely there are much better candidates for this kind of attempted oppression of artistic freedom, like, practically any other game with female...
  5. China Review-Bombs Monster Hunter: World Over Racist Joke In Live-Action Movie

    Exactly, they practically forced that into the dialogue when it didn't need to be there, so they probably deserve to catch SOME flack for it. But for it to be taken to the level it has, with banning the movie or even making it a top news article, just ridiculous. Some epithets are necessary...
  6. China Review-Bombs Monster Hunter: World Over Racist Joke In Live-Action Movie

    Exactly. No matter WHAT you do, somebody is going to be offended, so aside from directly and intentionally trying to cause harm to somebody (or somebody's), the whole **** world needs to grow thicker skin. Actually harmful racism might be taken a lot more seriously if everybody wasn't trying so...
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