“Clips or It Didn’t Happen”: Steam Launches Built-In Game Recording System with Timeline Feature, including Full Functionality on Steam Deck


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Game Recording, a new built-in system for Steam that makes it easier for players to not only create, but share, gameplay footage of their favorite games, is now available to test as part of a new beta that advertises timeline markers, game mode indicators, and other unique features, Valve has announced.

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What was that @Zarathustra is always saying about these dang companies shoving more and more extra sh1t that not all of us need or want into the software we use?

I came here to say something to this effect.

To be fair though, while I personally in my almost 35 years of gaming on the PC have never once had the desire to make a video of my screen, I have to admit that I am in the minority these days.

Still, something like this is large and complex and should be shoved down the throats of everyone whether they want it or not.

"Everything Software" usually sucks. There is a "jack of all trades, master of none" effect. When you try to do everything, you tend to do everything poorly. Instead they should be specializing on what they do best, and allow modular (installable, uninstallable) software packages handle the other things.

If someone wants screen recording, let them install screen recording software. Sure, you can make it easier for them by adding the hooks for something like that into your game and or graphics driver, but the rest of the software should not be installed by default. That's just ridiculously bad. Especially when everyone starts including it in their software.

You could have one included with the OS, one included with the GPU driver, one included with the CPU driver, another included with the game launcher, and yet another included with the game itself. There could even be one included with your **** game chat/streaming service. Before you know it you have 6 or 7 different bloated overlays/screen recording packages installed even if you don't use one.

Heck, why not include an screen grabber/recording software in peripheral software/drivers as well? Logitech could have one in their mouse/keyboard software. So could steel series, Razer, etc. etc. Maybe the motherboard manufacturers want to get in on the action. Include one with the software for your RGB lighting controls for your ROG motherboard.

Now you have 1-4 more screen grabbing packages, bringing your total to 7 to 11 packages even if you don't screen grab!

And even if you do, maybe you don't want to use those? Maybe you want to use a dedicated package that you like better? (OBS anyone?) Now you have 8-12 screen grabbing packages.

The insanity has to end.

Bring back software that does ONE THING and does that ONE THING well and can be uninstalled if you don't want it. Heck, have it NOT install by default, and only install it if you need/want it. Make it opt in, not opt out!
If someone wants screen recording, let them install screen recording software.

You could have one included with the OS, one included with the GPU driver, one included with the CPU driver, another included with the game launcher, and yet another included with the game itself. There could even be one included with your **** game chat/streaming service. Before you know it you have 6 or 7 different bloated overlays/screen recording packages installed even if you don't use one.

And even if you do, maybe you don't want to use those? Maybe you want to use a dedicated package that you like better? (OBS anyone?) Now you have 8-12 screen grabbing packages.

The insanity has to end.
It really is getting to an absolutely ridiculous point. Like we were just complaining about that nVidia crap over on this thread not that long ago: https://hardforum.com/threads/new-nvidia-control-panel-now-in-beta.2033503/post-1045839673
And yet there's always more nonsense to piss us off.

Heck, have it NOT install by default, and only install it if you need/want it. Make it opt in, not opt out!
This 100%.
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