AMD Leak Teases 3-Nanometer Zen 5 “Nirvana” and 2-Nanometer Zen 6 “Morpheus” CPUs


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
"You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." Per a new leak stemming from the LinkedIn profile of Md Zaheer, an AMD engineer, red team is developing new Zen 5 and Zen 6 processors, and while that news alone might be of little surprise, it can reveal that AMD has decided to give them the code names of "Nirvana" and "Morpheus," respectively. The leak also suggests that Zen 5 processors will be built on a 3-nanometer process, while Zen 6 processors will be built on a 2-nanometer process. AMD hasn't released any road maps that include Zen 6 yet, but with Zen 5 not releasing until 2024, they are unlikely to surface until the second half of 2025 or later. (Zaheer appears to have scrubbed the information from his profile, and while Twitter user @davideneco25320 managed to capture it in time, that, too, has apparently been removed.)

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