$70 Games Will “Go the Way of the Dodo,” Saber Interactive CEO Says


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Many of today's biggest publishers have adopted a higher, $70 price point for their premium, AAA games, but that figure is unlikely to stay, according to Matthew Karch.

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My prediction:

Nah... it'll stick around. Inflation doesn't reverse, at least without some sort of economic catastrophe to go with it.

What will happen is sales/discounts/bundling. But the initial sale price - it won't budge.
What the fudge. It's like this guy doesn't know water is wet.

1. The 70 dollar price point isn't sustainable. Sure and neither is a 10 cent gallon of Gas. What the hell are you trying to forecast here?

2. Companies want to reduce cost. HO LEE CRAP are you PSYCHIC?! Are you related to NOSTRODOMUS?! you must be! What a idiot. What company isn't CONSTANTLY looking for ways to reduce cost. (And in some cases increase quality.)

How the hell is it news that someone in a company projects the EXACT SAME BS THAT HAS HAPPENED THROUGHOUT ALL OF HISTORY!

Really I'm not sure who the bigger idiot is here. The guy for saying it or places for calling it news. (I know TheFPSReview is just reposting the equivelant of AP news wire for tech here.)
Lot's of games already launch in different price tiers where you get a few extra's for the more expensive ones so
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