Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Premieres with an Estimated $185 Million Stateside, $450 Million Globally


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
To the surprise of pretty much nobody, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has turned out to be another massive hit for Marvel Studios and Disney.

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Let me know when the BD community theater releases drop.
I am looking forward to seeing this one. Not enough to go opening weekend. But still want to see it.
Don't get your expectations too high and don't let cameos rumors excite you. Otherwise you'll be dissapointed.

I'd say overall the movie is good, but not great, others may disagree.
Best part of the movie are the Sam Raimi horror elements - if they ever do a R-rated live action Marvel Zombies film, they need to get Raimi involved.

Otherwise, it's a very 'by the numbers' MCU superhero film.
Last Marvel movie I managed to watch was Age of Ultron, or Deadpool 2, whichever came later. Both were terrible. I tried to watch Guardians of the Galaxy and didn't even finish it, I gave up halfway and that was supposedly the best thar marvel has to offer. No thanks, I bid my farewell to the MCU. And the reviewers I actually trust all say Dr strange 2 is crap.

Edit: Now I remembered I actually tried to watch Dr. Strange too, at some point, didn't manage to sit through that one either.
Best part of the movie are the Sam Raimi horror elements - if they ever do a R-rated live action Marvel Zombies film, they need to get Raimi involved.

Otherwise, it's a very 'by the numbers' MCU superhero film.
What horror elements? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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