RDNA 3 GPUs to Feature 50% Better Performance per Watt, First Details on Zen 5 (2024, V-Cache), and More Revealed at AMD Financial Analyst Day 2022


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
AMD had quite a bit to share about its next-generation hardware and software during its recent Financial Analyst Day event, now available to watch in full as part of a webcast presentation that includes numerous slides detailing various technology and product portfolio updates from the company, including expanded multi-generational CPU core, graphics, and adaptive computing architecture roadmaps.

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While I do hope these next generation of video cards have like for like or better performance with close margins on pricing...

Any time I have seen a company STRONGLY touting desktop GPU's or CPU's as having the "Best Performance per Watt" it's always been sub standard end result performance. Unless they can give us that kind of performance boost maintaining the same wattage... a 50% boost with no increase in power consumption... then something is off in the mix and they won't be as competitive in performance this next generation.

I hope I'm wrong but that is my prediction based on their marketing focus.
Well, it has happened before. The best example was Vega vs NAVI10, which was both faster and much more efficient. Navi20 was not as dramatic increase in efficiency/performance, but still.

Will the 3rd time be a charm?
Seems to go in cycles actually...

Engineers will get on a track, and designs will kinda follow that track until they've squeezed everything they can out of the design and the available process nodes.

Then the only path forward is to kinda reboot, rethink the design - and usually it's by going back and focusing on efficiency that they are able to start moving forward again.

It's really obvious with Intel if you look back through the generations, not quite as obvious with GPU designs as they tend to get cranked up to whatever the slot coolers at the time can handle.
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