Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs Weren’t Caught Because QA Company Misled CD PROJEKT RED: Report


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
One of the excuses that CD PROJEKT RED had initially given for Cyberpunk 2077's bug-ridden launch in December 2020 was that the QA company it had hired failed to catch all of the bugs in its ambitious sci-fi RPG.

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So they either hired the wrong QA company or didn't give them sufficient time/access/resources to complete the job properly.

"The buck stops here" is a phrase that seems to have been forgotten by so many. Always gotta be someone else's fault.

Quantic Labs may have been trash - but who made the decision to hire them, who required the daily bug quota that messed up the system, who kept them on after it was shown they were inadequate -- and mostly -- who decided to ship even though it was still filled with bugs?
I'm not sure I buy that.

This would be an excuse if they missed some corner case bugs that require extensive testing to find.

The fact that Cyberpunk was not ready for launch would have been immediately evident if they even as much as tried launching their own product.
I tried it when it first came out. Very buggy indeed and don't believe they didn't know of the issues..
Right, and noone at CDR had ever tried to play the game?
As someone who has experience developing stuff, testing your own program is the worst idea ever. Because you instinctively know how it works, and do what's expected. You need outside QA (or at least people who did not take part in development) to actually start finding bugs.

Of course a company the size of CDPR on a project this big ought to have some internal testing, unless they pulled a microsoft and fired their QA department "let the users test it".
As someone who has experience developing stuff, testing your own program is the worst idea ever. Because you instinctively know how it works, and do what's expected. You need outside QA (or at least people who did not take part in development) to actually start finding bugs.
I'm sure that's true for minor bugs or rare ones, but CP2077 had some realy obvious ones like the T-poses and the crappy performance that should be clear to anyone.
Yeah, I seem to recall CDPR also not showing the base console versions of the game before release (or it mightve been brief snippets.)

They knew what a terrible state the game was in and were trying to hide it.
I'm shocked CDPR didn't throw them under the bus from day 1. But there is no excuse for the truly huge game breaking bugs. If you hire a bunch of randos off the street with little/no QA or game experience... all they are going to find is stupid cosmetic stuff. They won't likely be trying to thoroughly play the game.
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