AMC Theaters Reverses Course, Will Force All Guests to Wear Masks


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Andreas Praefcke

Sneak-ins and noisy cell phone users won’t be the only things that AMC’s theater checkers will be looking out for when the chain reopens next month. In a course reversal, AMC has declared that all guests will need to wear masks in its theaters. And that’s regardless of whether or not mask-wearing is mandated by the state.

“At AMC Theatres, we think it is absolutely crucial that we listen to our guests,” the company told Variety. “Accordingly, and with the full support of our scientific advisors, we are reversing course and are changing our guest mask policy. As we reopen theaters, we now will require that all AMC guests nationwide wear masks as they enter and enjoy movies at our theaters. The speed with which AMC moved to revise our mask policies is a...

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Not much of a movie goer nowadays. Maybe I'm just getting older? But I'd much rather stay at home and watch a movie. Some big titles I'd still like to see in theater, but those are few and far between. I'm very fortunate to not be working in public so my mask usage is very limited to grocery store etc. But there's no way in hell I'd sit in a theater for two hours wearing a mask.
theaters need to make moving going more of an event now. Especially as more and more urban people don't see movies as an 'event'. Requiring masks in theaters is kind of a bitch move really. I get it until I sit down to watch a movie. For me it would be a reason not to go.
Yeah cause theaters aren't struggling enough. I can't imagine having to sit there for 3 hours with one of those stupid masks on. No thanks, I'll stay home.
Let me get the extra large giant bucket of butter and salt popcorn... and the 3 gallon extra large Coke for only 3 dollars more. Yea that sounds great.. Wait I have to wear my mask for the entire show... well eff the snacks... and you know what... no eff the movie. I'll go watch it from home when the studios figure out they want me on their subscription services for the price of 1 movie a month for 1 person. Thanks.
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