AMD 3D V-Cache Technology Can Deliver over 182K MB/s Read and 175K MB/s Write Speeds When Used as a RAM Disk: CrystalDiskMark Benchmarks


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D owners have posted benchmarks that show off what the 3D V-Cache of these CPUs are capable of when operating as a RAM disk.

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Who the fudge wants a 96mb ramdisk? Really what's the point? I suppose if you're doing some kind of 'disk based' mining that doesn't use capacity but needs raw throughput this would be insane.

greeeat. a run on 3dvcache CPU's now.... sigh...
That's cool and all.

Now make it 1TB in size :p

Who the fudge wants a 96mb ramdisk? Really what's the point? I suppose if you're doing some kind of 'disk based' mining that doesn't use capacity but needs raw throughput this would be insane.

greeeat. a run on 3dvcache CPU's now.... sigh...

All joking aside, I bet there is an application for the EPYC X variants and their 768MB of L3 cache.

I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but I bet there is one.
I'm just waiting on some hypervisor that lets me make a san disk out of my 3dvcache across several CPU's/systems.

Get a GIG of 3d vcache system cache... sure your CPU's will bottleneck LIKE NO TOMORROW... but you'll have one REALLY fast drive! Two CPU's one all cache!
I'm just waiting on some hypervisor that lets me make a san disk out of my 3dvcache across several CPU's/systems.

Maybe you can mine Chia on it? :p

Get a GIG of 3d vcache system cache... sure your CPU's will bottleneck LIKE NO TOMORROW... but you'll have one REALLY fast drive! Two CPU's one all cache!
I suspect the reason why CPU's like - for example - the 5800x3d are so much faster than the 5800x despite using the same arch and being clocked 200-400Mhz lower (depending on boost) has everything to do with better utilization of the cores. The cores themselves may be slightly slower due to the lower clock, but they spend much less time idle waiting for data from the relatively slow RAM.

So, will the CPU bottleneck in accessing the L3 cache? Maybe, but the purpose for all that juicy L3 cache in the first place was to eliminate wasteful CPU wait states where the CPU couldn't be fully utilized.
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