AMD Hopes to Launch Its NVIDIA DLSS Competitor This Year


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: AMD

AMD is striving to launch its answer to NVIDIA’s deep learning super sampling image upscaling technology, FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), in 2021. The time frame stems from Radeon CVP and GM Scott Herkelman, who took part in PC World’s The Full Nerd podcast today and confirmed that his team was progressing well enough with the anticipated feature to potentially release it later this year. Herkelman admitted that AMD had much more work to do in order to hit the quality target that gamers and developers are expecting, however.

“It’s progressing very well internally in our lab, but it’s our commitment to the gaming community that it needs to be open that it needs to work across all things and game developers need to adopt it,” Herkelman said in a transcript...

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Can’t wait to not be able to buy it to try out.

If this were a new card I would agree with you. But this is just a feature to add to existing cards. I don't see the issue here other than you're upset you still can't walk into an retailer (or visit an e-tailer) and get a card.

To that I say... It's been nearly a year... At some point either you know it isn't worth your time, Or you do something like what I did and watch a stream that monitors stock for a few weeks until you can get one by knowing the time window (No I didn't watch 24/7 newegg has been pretty johnny on the spot with when their product stock releases roll out.).
To that I say... It's been nearly a year... At some point either you know it isn't worth your time, Or you do something like what I did and watch a stream
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