Analysts: Microsoft Flight Simulator to Drive $2.6 Billion in Hardware Sales


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft Flight Simulator is no mere game. According to analysts with Jon Peddie Research (JPR), the title is destined to be a driving force behind PC hardware sales such as processors, displays, and flight sticks. JPR estimates that the title will sell 2.27 million units over the next three years, which could result in an incredible $2.6 billion spent in PC hardware.

“Flight simulators are incredibly demanding on processing capability and reward high resolution, large displays, and VR use,” analyst Ted Pollak said. “When new flight simulators are released, the hardware to run them at max settings and performance does not even exist yet. This creates a situation of constant hardware demand over the life of the title...

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$2.6 billion dollars out of 2.27 million copies comes out to roughly $11.5 per user. Seems kinda low.
Figures wouldn't surprise me. Reddit is full of people asking already.

Long time family friend is a pilot. He flies for one man personally now, but he also is an instructor. He has a wicked cool setup in his house for teaching. **** near the front end of a plane in his upstairs.. But after seeing this he's been asking me about the minimum specs for his students some PCs. He was **** impressed with the videos he watched.

So I could see a drive in sales because of it for sure. Hell this time last year and earlier this year Reddit was full of people building full PCs just for Cyberpunk. This game touches a whole other area of sales.
Hardware Unboxed released a gpu roundup for this title and it looks like it was made for future hardware. Not sure how many people are going to run out and upgrade just because of this game, but then when was the last time a tech firm didn't exaggerate numbers.
Not currently. It's also only using DX11, but it's supposedly going to be updated at some future date for RT and DX12. Only uses 4 cores and loves ram and vram.
Your math is wrong.
11 dollars times 2 million is 22 million.
One billion is one thousand million.
So youre going to spend about one thousand per copy, even that is low if the new
GPUs are over 1000 dollars a pop.
Your math is wrong.
11 dollars times 2 million is 22 million.
One billion is one thousand million.
So youre going to spend about one thousand per copy, even that is low if the new
GPUs are over 1000 dollars a pop.

You are right. For some reason I put 226m in the calculation. Oops. $1100 per user seems a little more realistic.
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