Aqua Computer’s LEAKSHIELD Prevents Leaks in Water-Cooled Systems


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Aqua Computer

Aqua Computer has introduced an innovative system that aims to prevent leaks in water-cooled systems. The LEAKSHIELD, as it’s appropriately called, “generates an optimally calculated negative pressure in the cooling system” to prevent coolant escaping in the event of a leak and additionally features a protection system/sensor that detects “even the smallest leaks” to warn users of any impending trouble. Pressure and other data can be quickly reviewed via its OLED display. Aqua Computer’s standalone LEAKSHIELD protection system, LEAKSHIELD leak protection system for ULTITUBE, and related accessories are available immediately through its online web store.

LEAKSHIELD was developed by Aqua Computer for the ULTITUBE expansion tank, but can also be used with expansion tanks from other manufacturers via an adapter set. The minimal...

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That's actually pretty **** smart but I wonder what power use looks like. And does it impact flow?
Hmm. I can't see how this would work in a vented system - you'd need a totally sealed system, like an AIO. I guess that's what the "adapter set" is that is used with expansion tanks.

Not sure that it would really prevent a leak for very long, but it could at least alert you to one before it straight up douches everything.

Also, I have to admit, I was expecting something more like this. Totally disappointed.
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