Around 27 Percent of Intel’s Core i9-10900K/KF CPUs Have Been Blessed with Top-Tier Dies, according to MSI


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Intel

If you’re interested in securing a 10th Gen Core-S processor with the highest overclocking potential and headroom, Intel’s i9 SKUs are, perhaps unsurprisingly, your safest bet. MSI’s Eric van Beurden and Michiel Berkhout tested a batch and found that 27 percent of their i9-10900K/KF processors featured top-tier dies. In contrast, the chances of an i7-10700K/KF and i5-10600K/KF having above-average dies were abysmally low (5 and 2 percent, respectively).

MSI classed the dies on three levels: Level A (dies that exceed specifications); Level B (dies that meet specifications); and Level C (low-quality dies that run below specifications). The chances for any one of these in the i9 series seem pretty even (as MSI’s chart below shows), while most i5 and i7 owners should expect processors that line up with...

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Yea I can't even qualify that chart in my OCD head because it doesn't add up to 100%. Thanks MSI for triggering my OCD.
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