Assassin’s Creed Co-Creator Jade Raymond Forms New Studio with PlayStation


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Ubisoft

Jade Raymond, the popular video game creator behind hit franchises such as Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs, has announced the formation of a new independent studio called Haven Entertainment. Raymond shared the news on Sony’s official PlayStation blog yesterday, noting that she and her team were already hard at work on a mysterious IP that will undoubtedly be exclusive to the console. The last game that Raymond was credited for is Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017), which she worked on while serving as SVP Group General Manager at Electronic Arts.

“[…] I’m announcing Haven, an independent studio where many of the talented game developers I have worked with for years (and love dearly!) are coming together to do what we are most passionate about,” Raymond...

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Is it me or is she another of those I had one good idea 20 years ago and barely any since but I still think I'm great like John Romero and some others with nothing to show for?

Mostly see her name pop up when she moves from one place of employement to the next.
Last I heard about her, she had a studio that hired Amy Hennig and they were gonna make a promising new Star Wars game or something. Of course all that got shut down, so no idea how it coulda turned out. With Hennig behind it though, it definitely had potential. Well, I wonder if Jade's new company will actually get to ship something.
Will reserve judgement until I see something actually ship.

... (ninja edited some inappropriate gamergate comment)
One of those cases, who if had been an average nerd wouldn't get a mention in the sidenote of a sidenote, but since she is an attractive woman everything she does is somehow news worthy.

Tell me when there are actual news.

Also exclusive titles are really not attractive to me. Since a few of those got released for PC, I'd be a dumbass to buy any more on playstation. It's a pain to play anyway due to the banana stick.
She hasn't had a product out since 2017, and that product was more well known for loot boxes than game play. She hasn't been a part of Ubisoft since who knows how long ago.

I hope she gets a piece of each Assassins creed game still.

Not sure why she is being handed the keys and funding for ANOTHER game studio.
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