Asus has released the BIOS w/ Ryzen 5000 Series CPU Compatability


FPS Regular
May 16, 2019
Now if only I could get my hands on the CPU!!!

And killed xmp. I would only go back to this bios after I had a 5000 series cpu
So I updated my X470 Strix-F a couple weeks after they released the BIOS update for it and everything seemed fine. My scores in benchmarks went down a bit with my 2600X, but nothing crazy. It also boosted a bit low at stock with my 5600X, but I fixed that with AutoOC. I have had it fail to boot twice now. The first time I just force shut it down (hold power button). The second time it "clicked", turned off and reset itself fine. I'm not sure if that's due to my memory OC or just some instability with this BIOS. I've also noticed the BIOS boot times are all over the place. Sometimes it boots in 8-10s, other times 20s+.
I almost reverted back, but instead swapped another set of ram and bumped up the voltage and since it's been solid at 3200.

The 2700x is down a tad performancewise, but I did get my hands on a 570 board. So I might chuck the 2700x into it.

Keep the b450 for Plex duty
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