ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z690 APEX Motherboard Review


Staff member
May 6, 2019
Introduction ASUS’ Republic of Gamers brand has been a staple of the DIY gaming PC market for over a decade now. While it’s fair to say ASUS has diluted the brand somewhat over the years with so many models in a variety of price ranges, it still offers some of the highest-end and best-performing options […]

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Comment number one. Armoury crate sucks. It sucks big hairy old man testies. Seriously just take a look at the driver versions on offer in the app. And then go online and check with the driver vendors. Armoury is at least two revisions behind. Then go look at the Bios available from Asus directly. Yep... Armoury crate doesn't even see an update but you also won't know how many revisions behind you are because armoury crate doesn't even report on that. Armoury crate is just poorly done and needs to be retired.
Comment number one. Armoury crate sucks. It sucks big hairy old man testies. Seriously just take a look at the driver versions on offer in the app. And then go online and check with the driver vendors. Armoury is at least two revisions behind. Then go look at the Bios available from Asus directly. Yep... Armoury crate doesn't even see an update but you also won't know how many revisions behind you are because armoury crate doesn't even report on that. Armoury crate is just poorly done and needs to be retired.
I have an Asus TUF laptop and would have to agree with the Armory crate. I hated it so much on my Z690-E board that I regulated it to my back up PC that hardly gets used. Asus basically forces you to use it unfortunately.
Asus basically forces you to use it unfortunately.
I've not owned an Asus laptop, but at least with the motherboards, I've never felt required to use it. I usually try it once after a new build - remember why I hated it, then fresh install Windows again without it.

It is pretty useless in my opinion - all flash and no substance.
It's good to see more Z690 boards reviewed here, thanks.
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