Best Buy Has Canceled All Galaxy Fold Pre-Orders


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
It appears that nobody is getting their hands on a Galaxy Fold anytime soon. That’s especially true for Best Buy customers, as the electronics giant has admitted to canceling all pre-orders for the device.

A report released earlier this month claimed Samsung solved their folding phone’s issues, but this development suggests otherwise. In a forum post, Best Buy says that Samsung still hasn’t provided a release date for the Galaxy Fold.

While Samsung continues to make progress in enhancing the Galaxy Fold, we will continue to keep our customers updated as best we can. In the meantime, if you are still interested in purchasing the Galaxy Fold, you can request to be notified when the product is available for purchase by visiting our Samsung Galaxy Fold product page here and selecting Notify Me. This will allow us to provide you with the latest updates we may have on the Galaxy Fold.
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