Best Buy Will Have NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series Graphics Cards in Select Stores Tomorrow


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

Best Buy has published a notification confirming that it will have new stock of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series graphics cards at select stores tomorrow on Tuesday, July 20. Best Buy employees will begin handing out tickets at 7:30 a.m. local time, and those who are fortunate enough to get a ticket will be guaranteed to purchase a graphics card inside of the store at 8 a.m. It isn’t clear which NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series graphics cards Best Buy will have on sale, but the retailer has an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti pictured, so that’s presumably one of the options that will be available. Graphics cards are limited to one per customer...

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Bets on this ending well for consumers?

Unless the best buys will have 100ish per store this will be auto declared a flop.

Also the locations.. Some of those are pretty backwater locations as far as cities go.
Yeah, I agree, I'm guessing this will be an instant out of stock situation.

Personally I've already decided to wait this gen out. My Pascal Titan X is aging rapidly, but I am not willing to buy an expensive GPU this late in it's life cycle. If I am going to spend that much money, I want it right on launch so that my "investment" stays relevant longer.

And when I say "spend that much" I am talking about Nvidia/AMD's MSRP's, not scalper pricing. I am unwilling to pay scalper pricing at all.

If I could have gotten a 3090 at launch, I would have paid the $1499 pricetag they set, but that's about it.
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