Bluepoint Games Has Reportedly Been Working on a Metal Gear Solid Remake for Three Years


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Konami

We heard rumors back in September about a potential remake of Hideo Kojima’s legendary PS1-era stealth title, Metal Gear Solid, and now, additional tidbits are beginning to come out about a next-gen revisit to Shadow Moses Island.

In his latest episode of Broken Silicon, Moore’s Law Is Dead confirmed that a Metal Gear Solid remake is indeed coming, and not only that, it’s being developed by Bluepoint Games—the very same studio that gave us those fantastic PS4 remasters of Shadow of the Colossus and the Uncharted trilogy (i.e...

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I imagine that weird UltraTaco character will be shedding tears of joy over this announcement (if it becomes true).
MLD has been missing in the video card rumors so he has to go with games now? :ROFLMAO:
The original Metal Gear Solid was released in 1998 but still holds up very well to this day, as its characters and cinematics have become nothing short of iconic. Bluepoint Games’ rumored project would mark the second time that the title has been remastered, following Silicon Knights’ Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (2004) on Nintendo Gamecube.

No it doesn't, its a PSX port that looks like a PSX game, just sharper (which actually works against it). The Gamecube version is a huge uplift though.
I don't think its the best idea. While I'd love the gfx improvement, the gameplay is quite simplistic by today standards.
Maybe a reboot?
You know I'm surprised Twin Snakes never got a remaster/modern port. That'd be a great game to throw up on GOG.
You know I'm surprised Twin Snakes never got a remaster/modern port. That'd be a great game to throw up on GOG.
Twin Snakes IS the remaster, unfortunately it was exclusive to the Gamecube, so no PC port.

I think this is the game that should be the basis for a 4k remaster for the PC.
Twin Snakes IS the remaster
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is very true. I guess I meant a remaster of a remaster. But yeah, a PC port for that game would've been cool. The Gamecube remake of RE1 did eventually make it to PC after all. Of course Capcom likes PC more than Konami does.

I think this is the game that should be the basis for a 4k remaster for the PC.
Yeah I would agree with that.
Yeah I believe Twin Snakes is running on a version of MGS2's engine.
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