Boston Dynamics Begins Selling Its Robot Dog, Spot, for $74,500


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Boston Dynamics

If you’re allergic to dogs but have always wanted a canine companion, Boston Dynamics has an interesting- albeit expensive – solution for you. Following a limited release to select businesses and research facilities, the renowned robotics company has begun selling Spot, its robot dog, to any consumer who’s willing to shell out $74,500 for it.

Apparently, Spot is sophisticated enough to autonomously traverse all types of terrain, ranging from rocky surfaces to common household steps, which means that there’s no telling what kind of horrific shenanigans it may get into while owners are asleep. But jokes aside, the mechanical canine has already helped plenty of enterprises, such as NASA, achieve their goals. Here’s a few, as outlined in a...

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Boston dynamics does not recommend enabling the distributed networking and thought processing feature found on spot. If you notice spot gaining and interest in weapons it is recommended you reset spot immediately.
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