Capcom Games Will Cost $69.99 Going Forward, according to Dragon’s Dogma 2 Pricing


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Capcom has opened up pre-orders for Dragon's Dogma 2, revealing that the new single-player, narrative-driven action RPG will be priced at $69.99—$10 higher than what the company has typically been charging for its AAA games, including Street Fighter 6, which launched for $59.99 in June 2023.

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Honestly, for me its a decision scale, the higher the price the harder it is to go for it. At 60, is already pretty hard, at 70, well same issue. When you are at 30 and below, it gets much easier.
Id imagine it gives them space to call 60 a discount over 70 and so on. Are they passing these profts to programers comouter graphics artists and sound engineers or just contracting Hollywood actors,? Im sure it will all go to the hourly workers, that's for suuuuure...
As I always say, game devs and publishers can charge whatever the f*ck they want for their games, it makes no difference to me cuz I don't grab games until they are on sale anyways. Go ahead and charge $70. Shiat, make it $100. I don't start paying attention until the price is $30. I don't usually consider a purchase at all until they get to $20. Most of the games I buy are $10 or less.
As I always say, game devs and publishers can charge whatever the f*ck they want for their games, it makes no difference to me cuz I don't grab games until they are on sale anyways. Go ahead and charge $70. Shiat, make it $100. I don't start paying attention until the price is $30. I don't usually consider a purchase at all until they get to $20. Most of the games I buy are $10 or less.
I rarely pay full price for for new games as well. I always wait until they go on sale or discounted.
I rarely pay full price for for new games as well. I always wait until they go on sale or discounted.
I' m guilty of paying full retail for a game from time to time... though for some I def hold out for discounts. Just depends on where it falls on the don't have a game I want to play right now scale.
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