CD PROJEKT RED Facing Potential Class-Action Lawsuit Over Cyberpunk 2077


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

One of the bigger allegations being levied against CD PROJEKT RED is that the developer intentionally hid Cyberpunk 2077’s flaws to deceive consumers into purchasing the bug-ridden game. It appears that lawyers are already jumping at the chance to capitalize on the company’s poor decisions, as a forum post spotted by The New York Times has confirmed that at least one attorney is contemplating the possibility of a class-action lawsuit.

“My name is Mikołaj Orzechowski, I am a Warsaw attorney and at the same time a CDPR investor,” a forum post on...

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What the **** ever. Fine go for it file a class... whatever.

You people complaining do know the rest of the game industry is cheering right? You're trashing tjr company that sells games on its portal without DRM, offers refunds If you don't like games bought through their portal and more often than not is the shining beacon for how to treat a customer. I'd be surprised if the class action threat wasn't backed by other game makers.
What the **** ever. Fine go for it file a class... whatever.

You people complaining do know the rest of the game industry is cheering right? You're trashing tjr company that sells games on its portal without DRM, offers refunds If you don't like games bought through their portal and more often than not is the shining beacon for how to treat a customer. I'd be surprised if the class action threat wasn't backed by other game makers.

You are only as good as your last game and in this case you can't realy say that the state they launched the game in, at meast on console, is how you treat a customer.
You are only as good as your last game and in this case you can't realy say that the state they launched the game in, at meast on console, is how you treat a customer.

I agree they shouldn't have worried about releasing a console version at the same time as the PC version. Let the console players wait.
Why people bother with this?

What good has a class action suit done? specially in this scenario.

As always this won't go to trial, they will settle, CD project Red will admit no wrong doing and pay for the legal fees.
So at best the plaintiff will get their money back (which they can already do) and the lawyers will make a bunch of dollar bills.
Why people bother with this?

What good has a class action suit done? specially in this scenario.

As always this won't go to trial, they will settle, CD project Red will admit no wrong doing and pay for the legal fees.
So at best the plaintiff will get their money back (which they can already do) and the lawyers will make a bunch of dollar bills.
Because lawyers. They drum up the case to make the money, and then find a bunch of people to sign on thinking they will get some damages money out of it.
You are 100% correct - the people signing on get nothing out of it, but all they have to do is sign a letter; no skin in the game, no risk.
The lawyers make out like Bandits.

(I learned this on Better Call Saul)
Because lawyers. They drum up the case to make the money, and then find a bunch of people to sign on thinking they will get some damages money out of it.
You are 100% correct - the people signing on get nothing out of it, but all they have to do is sign a letter; no skin in the game, no risk.
The lawyers make out like Bandits.

(I learned this on Better Call Saul)
Thats the cynical view of part of the system... Which is the one they want you to believe the most so you give up more rights.
Would hope people stop repeating these memes and tales.
And yes lawyers are very important to society, and should get paid.. like in any profession, there are mediocre and bad ones of course.
Because lawyers. They drum up the case to make the money, and then find a bunch of people to sign on thinking they will get some damages money out of it.
You are 100% correct - the people signing on get nothing out of it, but all they have to do is sign a letter; no skin in the game, no risk.
The lawyers make out like Bandits.

(I learned this on Better Call Saul)
Thats the cynical view of part of the system... Which is the one they want you to believe the most so you give up more rights.
Would hope people stop repeating these memes and tales.
And yes lawyers are very important to society, and should get paid.. like in any profession, there are mediocre and bad ones of course.
Agree with both of you. I know what Brian is saying, as in most cases like this the people who join the suit don't get much recompense. On your part I agree with the larger point of class actions is to enact change in an area so that you have precedence there and that action will not happen again without legal response.

The lawyer in this case sounds like they have solid ground to go after CDP, as it's true CDPR did not show the game running on Gen 8 consoles prior to release. The console footage that we did see was running on current gen consoles and was not representative at all of how the game would run on the prior gen, as Digital Foundry revealed. I think that goes to the idea of misrepresentation for financial gain.

What I do unfortunately foresee is how the industry and journos are now going to constantly badger the company over this and the internet will never let it go in the future. They have been constantly trying the scapegoat the company for many reasons and this will only give them more ammunition.
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