Disappointing. Like getting a socks for Christmas.
I mean, they were supposed to be done wit updates for this title after the last one, right? So I guess I see this as an unexpected bonus.
When I tried to play Phantom Liberty late last year, I was disappointed to find I had key binding issues I didn't have during my initial playthrough of Cyberpunk.
I cant remember what they were now, but I vaguelty remember them being related to weapons or hacking. Can't recall.
I don't think they were the W and S while driving they mention in the release notes (but that would have bothered me as well)
In my original play through I had been able to configure every single key, but in the Phantom Liberty release some were hard coded.
It's ****ing annoying that this keeps happening (pardon my french). It's as if among the legions of testers these companies employ, not a single one of them uses a non-standard keyboard binding setup. Like, if they had even one they would catch this immediately.
And yet it keeps on happening with release after release.
And no. I refuse to switch to WASD. I've been using arrow keys since Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and Quake, I built a keyboard binding layout I really like during my Counter-Strike years, and given the thousands of hours I've used it since in both Counter-Strike and countless other FPS titles, it is so ingrained in my muscle memory at this point that changing is not an option.
I know, I can always remap keys in registry (or using a registry tweaking tool) but that is annoying, and I really shouldn't have to.
There should never be any hardcoded keys in any game. Absolutely everything needs to be bindable.