Denuvo by Irdeto Launches New AI Product to Detect Bots and Cheaters


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Unbotify Real Time Detection, a new addition to Denuvo's existing bot and hardware cheat detection solution that leverages AI and analyzes behavioral data to detect bots and cheaters in real time with what's been described as maximum precision, is now included for every Unbotify client, Irdeto has announced.

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Denuvo seems like such a contentious product.

/get_on_soap_box: ON

First, let me explain, I agree with the goal of stopping bots and other "cheat" behaviors. I'm more so an RPG/MMO player than shooter, and have run into tons of bots farming and causing problems. The WOW Gold bots/spammers are notorious. Very early ESO there was a time whenever I wanted to gather a resource, a head would pop up out of the ground and get to it just before me, 90% of the time. And, of course, I could go on.

Bots/cheats in Shooters/Moboa's I think are much more serious and painful.

So, why do I find the topic contentious? Aside from those few who post about their entitlement to do as they wish or why its really ok?

The big thing is the cost, and I am not pointing at the monetary one adding $5 (or whatever) to the Game cost.

The difficulties installing, getting to run, playing offline, and extra CPU/GPU clock cycles to run the code. At least I assume AI will run in the GPU competing with the game, or will it be sending telemetry of "everything you do" to a server for processing?

I like the fair and even play field Denuvo targets providing us - just not the messes I need to clean up after it.

Wish I could play Dragon Age Origens - Ultimate ed on my desktop. Nope, cant and I suspect Devuvo is the reason.

/get_on_soap_box: OFF
I'm sure the companies selling cheats are terrified. lol

There isn't an anti-cheat product out there that actually works. Or hasn't been paid off.
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