Florida Man Watches Spider-Man: No Way Home Nearly 300 Times, Achieves New Guinness World Record


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios' latest Spider-Man movie is so good that you'd have to watch it hundreds of times to fully appreciate it. Or, at least, that's what Ramiro Alanis thought, a Florida resident who ended up seeing the film not once, twice, but nearly 300 times.

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I don't get it... 300 times... that is WITH credits.. at an cost of.. 10 bucks a ticket... I suppose that's the cheap way to get into the guiness book of world records.
Dang, can't even take bathroom breaks. Also, he watched it that many times in the theater?! I thought he woulda done it with the streaming or BD version. Good gawd. I just wanna know why.

I don't think I have watched any movie anywhere close to that many times, even the movies I really love. Shiat, if I watched one of my favorite movies 300 times, it would no longer be a favorite movie, I can tell you that.
I think you can get it at redbox rental now? So yeah just put it on endless repeat. But why?
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