FromSoftware Says Its Games Need Improvement If Players Can’t Beat Them without a Guide


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
FromSoftware, the Japanese video game developer best known for delivering what some critics have described as being masochistic challenges in its soulslike video games, including complex and punishing boss battles that require extreme reflexes to survive, is open to making changes to its game design if it finds that players are unable to beat them without the help of a guide.

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It's not that I can't beat them, it's that I don't enjoy beating them. Frustration and banging your head against a wall until the wall finally breaks is not my idea of fun. And I'm not a narcissist so beating them for bragging rights is not enticing either.
FromSoftware, the Japanese video game developer best known for delivering what some critics have described as being masochistic challenges in its soulslike video games, including complex and punishing boss battles that require extreme reflexes to survive, is open to making changes to its game design if it finds that players are unable to beat them without the help of a guide.

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Who needs a guide. is profitable for a reason. At least for PC gamers.
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