Google Is Offering Two Free Months of Stadia Pro: Stream GRID, Destiny 2, and More Today


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Google

In order to keep spirits high during the COVID-19 pandemic, Google is offering two months of its game-streaming service, Stadia, at zero cost. This is the Pro tier, which normally costs $9.99 a month and includes support for 4K resolution and 5.1 surround sound.

“Anyone who signs up will get two free months of Stadia Pro with instant access to nine games, including GRID, Destiny 2: The Collection, and Thumper,” wrote Google. “You can purchase even more games on the store, which will remain yours to play even if you cancel your Stadia Pro subscription. If you’re already a paid Stadia Pro subscriber, we won’t charge you for the next two months. After that, Stadia Pro is $9.99 a month, but you can opt out of your subscription at any time.”

Those of you who are interested in testing...

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This is tempting to try and replay GRID. Still dream about Le Mans.
I would try it if it came with the controller. If I have to provide a PC and a controller, then hell I've already got a gaming machine.
I'm sure a lot of people will jump on to these services. People would rather pay monthly fees than upfront capital investments.

Me however? You couldn't pay me to use any game streaming service, now or ever.

The whole reason I am in to this is because I enjoy and take pride in the hardware builds. I play the occasional game because I have the hardware to support it. I don't build the hardware so that I can play games.

If not for building my own PC I wouldn't play games at all, not on a prebiilt PC or laptop, not on a console, not on mobile, and certainly not on any streaming service.

I don't want gaming in my Living room or anywhere else outside my office, aty proper desk with a proper monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Gaming for me is a one trick pony. On my custom built desktop, at my desk, and nowhere else, and on no other platform, ever, not today, or in 30 years.

It's custom built desktop, locally rendered or nothing for me.
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