Google Stadia’s Web Store Finally Gets a Search Bar


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Google

Despite being owned by the world’s premier search company, Google Stadia’s web store did not launch with any kind of search bar that allowed users to quickly and conveniently find their favorite games. That ironic oversight is being corrected today, as Google has confirmed that a search bar for the Stadia store is rolling out now and will reach all players this week. Google is also sending out an updated user interface that lets users sort titles in their libraries.

As for upcoming features, we don’t have dates to share and our design mockups may change, but we still wanted to share some of what’s to come with our community. Your...

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I had no idea they had a bomberman game on there, will have to check it out. Online only means I will get killed in 3 seconds though.
I guess a search bar showcases the lack of contents. Either couldn't risk the no search for a search company shame or they got more content.

Yeah the pool may look long but it's only 2 inches deep. They do not have a ton of content right now. And 75% is kiddie crap I will never touch.
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