Google Stadia Exiting from Game-Making Business


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Google

Google Stadia Vice President and GM Phil Harrison has revealed that his overlords have pulled the plug on their game development studio, Stadia Games and Entertainment. The studio, which was headed by industry veteran Shannon Studstill and popular ex-Ubisoft producer Jade Raymond, was established only around a year ago to develop exclusive experiences for the Stadia platform. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that any of its projects will be coming to light.

“Creating best-in-class games from the ground up takes many years and significant investment, and the cost is going up exponentially,” Harrison explained. “Given our focus on building on the proven...

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I suspect google underestimates how much pulling the cord constantly on stuff affects them. Anything google I would consider ( as an individual) there is always always a voice inside wondering how fast they'll pull the plug.
I mean, idk, i think it would have been a worthy investment to have and grow a game studio.
I suspect this means standia be dead other than perhaps renting the cloud ( the focus on business partners), but though they say not...standia is dead.
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I know someone who had it who also used to be a game reviewer. The fact of the matter is, the experience wasn't there yet. It was generally OK for single player titles and anything slower paced but it was trash for anything fast paced and competitive.
I know someone who had it who also used to be a game reviewer. The fact of the matter is, the experience wasn't there yet. It was generally OK for single player titles and anything slower paced but it was trash for anything fast paced and competitive.
They are not killing Stadia (yet), just the game studios, so no exclusives.

I've been using Geforce Now since it was in Beta, I assume the streaming experience is pretty similar.
I concur that even after all these years the experience hasn't got that much better, but its quite good with slow paced single player beat'em up games like the arkham series. Racing games run sunprisingly well but you don't want to play fighting games or any fast paced action shooter.

I don't do any competitive gaming on it, but my kid does play Fortnite and according to him it's about as good (bad?) as a game console.
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