Henry Cavill Intends to Play Superman for “Years to Come”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Warner Bros.

Following Ben Affleck’s exit from the DCEU as Batman, there’s been a lot of speculation as to whether or not Henry Cavill will continue on as the Man of Steel. What Warner Bros. may be planning is anyone’s guess, but in a new interview with Patrick Stewart, the British actor confirmed that he’s still heavily invested in the role and would be happy to continue playing Superman if the studio needed him.

“I’ve always been a fan of Superman,” said Cavill. “With a character like that, you carry the mantle with you off set. And it becomes part of your public representation. When you meet children, children don’t necessarily see me as Henry Cavill, but they might see Superman, and there’s a responsibility which comes with that. Because it’s such a...

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He's a good dude, and worthy of the cape. I think Christopher Reeves would approve.
He does a good Superman, now if we could only get a good script and director

Exactly. I rather liked most of the casting choices for the DC Extended Universe films. Unfortunately, bad scripts, reported studio interference and incompetent direction (with few exceptions) make the films less than stellar. I think Cavil is a good choice for the cape. It's too bad they paired him up with the worst possible choice for Lex Luthor I could have ever imagined.
I don't like how big he is. Slapping a pair of glasses on him when being Clark doesn't cut it. He loses his appeal as a role model because he basically looks like an elite athlete either way. Brandon Routh sold the nerdy Clark much better and could still fill out the costume enough to be believed, similar to Reeves.
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