Intel and Raja Koduri Tease Massive “Father of All” Xe HP GPU with Tens of Billions of Transistors


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Intel

It appears that Intel has, quite literally, huge plans for its newest graphics architecture. The company posted a photo of what’s believed to be an Xe HP GPU yesterday, and it’s positively massive – even bigger than an AMD EPYC chip, apparently. Intel said that the GPU comprises “tens of billions of transistors,” which was later echoed by graphics lead Raja Koduri.

“The first GPU with IEEE FP32 support I worked on was in 2005,” he tweeted. “321M transistors and 32 FP32 Ops/clk. GPU compute density increases continue to be a shining point for Moore’s law. Tens of billions of transistors and tens of thousands of ops/clk.”

The first GPU with IEEE FP32 support I worked on was in 2005. 321M transistors and 32 FP32 Ops/clk. GPU compute density increases continue to be a shining point for...

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I see the Raja Hype Machine is still kicking
Shouldn't 'AI' applications have its own languages and CPUs by now? Other than that, whats to there to be proud of in a huge chip, doesn't mean much... Plus brute forcing GPUs is nothing new, nor innovative
Billions of transistors is great. Really impressive. I have billions onlf transistors in my reitred cm components box. Doesn't make it faster or better. How does this statement prove anything other than a lot of transistors?
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