Keanu Reeves Day: “Matrix 4” and “John Wick 4” Are Both Being Released on May 21, 2021


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Everyone loves Keanu Reeves, but Warner Bros. may have taken things too far. The studio announced today that Matrix 4 would be debuting on May 21, 2021, but there's a small "problem": that happens to be the exact same release date as John Wick 4, which also stars Reeves. How much Keanu Reeves is too much? We'll find out next spring, assuming that Lionsgate and WB maintain their dates.

…we would see a fascinating scenario play out where audiences may have to pick between which Keanu Reeves franchise to support opening weekend. This could bring some great insight into which fourth movie audiences really want to see more, but it would undoubtedly hurt both films too. Matrix 4 and John Wick 4 would wind up splitting the audience instead of each getting the majority of it by releasing at different times.
...I can only hope that my next child will be born on that particular day .. :unsure:
I would expect the release date for at least one of the movies to be changed. Generally speaking you do not see major movies being released on the same day/week anymore simply because movie studios don't want to risk lower ticket sales due to direct competition.
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Would be neat if it was revealed they're part of the shared universe and both movies had ties to each other, with the sequel to these movies fully uniting their stories.

I mean, really, their over the top action isn't too dissimilar from each other.
That would be terrible. The Matrix would drag down John Wick in that case. As for the latter being as over the top, it's not even close.
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