Kevin Hart to Play Roland in Eli Roth’s Live-Action Borderlands Movie


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Gearbox Software

Funny man Kevin Hart has been tapped to play Roland in Eli Roth’s upcoming Borderlands movie, a live-action adaptation of Gearbox Software’s ultra-popular looter-shooter franchise. His hiring suggests that the film will have plenty of laughs based on his resume of hits such as Ride Along, but there may be some dramatic surprises in store for his long-time fans based on the director’s comments.

“I’m thrilled to be working with Kevin,” said Roth. “Borderlands is a different kind of role for him, and we are excited to thrill audiences with a side of Kevin they’ve never seen before. He’s going to be an amazing Roland.”

We learned last year that Cate...

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Borderlands... the cell shaded stupid looter shooter? They are making it into a movie? Will kevin heart be cell shaded?
All these older actors. Just reinforces the fact that there are no good actors under the age of 40 these days.
Well, Kevin will definitely bring in the money by his name alone over the name of title last.
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