LG Expected to Pull Out of Smartphone Business


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: LG

South Korean electronics giant LG is reportedly very close to abandoning its smartphone business. The news comes from The Korea Times, which noted that the company had attempted to sell off some of its mobile operations but failed to entice a single buyer. As a result, LG is expected to make an official announcement on Monday about calling it quits on smartphones entirely.

“LG has considered various options such as a sale, split sales or pulling out of the smartphone business, but decided recently to pull out of the business,” according to industry sources, Thursday, adding that the company will make an official announcement at its board meeting on April 5. When asked to address such prospects, an LG Electronics official said, “There’s nothing to comment on.”

Source: The Korea Times

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I find this disappointing because I like having an alternative to Samsung that's not Chinese. Then again I've never bought an LG phone, so I really can't complain.
My LG V40 has been good to me for a few years now.

It will most likely be my last "flagship" phone, my wife just bought a Iphone SE and seems happy with it.
I'll stay with Android, but not feeling like spending $1000 + on phones every two years anymore.
Doesnt seem to be much reason to do that.
It will most likely be my last "flagship" phone, my wife just bought a Iphone SE and seems happy with it.
I'll stay with Android, but not feeling like spending $1000 + on phones every two years anymore.
My last 'flagship' was my Note 4... it's been that long. After that, I went with an OG Pixel, and am now using a Pixel 3a.

Which is the same basic idea as the iPhone SE, and I'm posting to say 'you'll probably like it'. I'd wait for the inevitable Pixel 5a. Google tried to go 'full Apple' with Gen 4, and they look to be swinging back toward the formula that works for them with version 5, i.e. bringing back headphone jacks and fingerprint readers.

I find this disappointing because I like having an alternative to Samsung that's not Chinese. Then again I've never bought an LG phone, so I really can't complain.
There's Apple and there's the Pixel series made by the former HTC (Taiwanese). Motorola phones are full-stack Chinese now from what I've read.

If I stay with Android, I'm almost certainly staying with a Pixel (or successor phone brand). I'm feeling the tug of iPhones though, as there's a point where it'd just be nice if everything worked together because it's been designed to, rather than being continuously hacked together and patched by various vendors and the end users themselves.
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