Microsoft Is Finally Adding Tabs to File Explorer


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
After what seems like decades of pleading, Microsoft is finally adding tabs to File Explorer, a revolutionary concept that will allow Windows users to open multiple directories in the application under a single window.

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This sh1t needs to be added to Win10. Tabbed File Explorer is nice, but when are they gonna f*cking make Task Manager reflect Dark Mode? Been waiting for that for ages. Also with older Task Manager in OSes like Win7, it was much easier to tell the logical threads apart from the physical cores. Win10/11's Task Manager CPU graph is shiza.
Could always go third party with any of those utilities - so long as the OS allows it I haven't complained too loudly about what they include in the box.

The best thing an OS can do is get out of the way, in my opinion.
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