Microsoft Shares First Eight Minutes of Forza Horizon 5, Including a New Limited Edition Xbox Wireless Controller


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Playground Games

There’s already plenty of footage going around that suggests Forza Horizon 5 will be one of the best-looking racers ever when it debuts later this year, but Microsoft and developer Playground Games have shifted the hype into overdrive with an extensive preview of what players can expect early in the festival.

Premiered during today’s Gamescom 2021 event, Forza Horizon 5’s Initial Drive Trailer gives Forza fans an eight-minute look at the beginning of the game. It teases a number of the open-world racer’s locales, which include an active volcano and other areas inspired by the lands in Mexico, as well as some interesting surprises such as cargo planes dropping cars from the skies.

Of course, the trailer also provides a glimpse at a small sample of the exciting vehicles that Forza Horizon 5 will be able to collect and race in the game. They...

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I could give a **** about a controller... but I'm not into that kind of stuff anyway.

The game though I'm down for. I enjoy Forza horizon 4 and still play it.

I'm hoping for some deep Mexicans music channels and a lot of Mr World wide. ;) (kidding though his music can be fun to drive to.)
FZ4 was such a let down. It took about 2-3 hours to finish then the game simply told me, now go play online. LOL. I hope this one will be different.
Err the main focus of the game is online and their seasonal stuff (changes every week).

The online is fun though so you may be missing out.
I enjoy the main Forza series (though not every entry), but I've never played a Forza Horizon game (though I have played some demos). People seem to like them though.
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