Microsoft to Launch Windows 10X without Traditional Win32 App Support


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

Microsoft is working on a ChromeOS competitor called Windows 10X, which is essentially a lightweight variant of the standard operating system. The stripped-down OS actually looks incredibly clean, sexy, and practical to use, but Windows Central has learned that it’ll ship without a crucial, core feature: native Win32 app support.

A Windows OS that can’t support traditional programs? What the heck is the point of that, you might ask. Fear not, as Windows 10X will still retain some level of Win32 app support – instead of being run locally (via software dubbed “ContainerOS”), such programs will be executed through the cloud. That implies users will need an internet connection just to run an app, which doesn’t sound all that appealing...

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Didn't they try to go this direction in the dekstop OS with Windows 8? That worked out well, didn't it? So long as this idea stays with embedded systems and away from the desktop then I see no problem with it.
So long as this idea stays with embedded systems and away from the desktop then I see no problem with it.

Think this is meant for portables and ultralights - sort of like a Chromebook.
Think this is meant for portables and ultralights - sort of like a Chromebook.
Considering in literally the first sentence of the article they state it is meant as a competitor for Chrome OS... I think that is a safe bet. ;)
Yes MS, let's do this since it has worked out so well every other time you tried it :rolleyes:
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