NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang Announces Raises Instead of Lay-Offs In Response to Coronavirus Pandemic


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of people on the unemployment line, but job security appears to be better than ever at NVIDIA. In a letter to employees, CEO Jensen Huang said that he wouldn’t be laying anyone off. In fact, everyone would be getting raises instead.

“There is no layoff,” Huang wrote. “The work we do in graphics, science, AI, and robotics is more vital to the future than ever. The products we offer are addressing urgent needs. Stay-at-home is driving PC sales. Remote design and collaboration technologies are needed. Gaming is replacing other entertainment and hitting record levels. The shift from physical to digital will further accelerate cloud computing use. Interest in robotics is surging to automate tasks where workers feel unsafe – from automatic retail checkout and warehouse robots to autonomous mobile disinfecting robots. And in...

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This is great for Nvidia employees and I am sure will drive employee retention and loyalty, but I cant help but think about what allows them to do this.

Amazing what you can do when you charge twice as much for GPU's than what they are supposed to cost.
All that RTX cash.
Good on nV though for taking care of their employees.
Yup. I like seeing that.

We're not getting raises, but our company is giving us monthly stipends to cover our bills (electric/internet) while we continue to work from home.
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