NVIDIA Could Relaunch Entire GeForce RTX 30 Series with Anti-Cryptomining Features


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

NVIDIA is poised to relaunch its entire lineup of GeForce RTX 30 Series graphics cards with the same cryptocurrency mining limiter that was implemented into the GeForce RTX 3060 to reduce its hash rates by around 50 percent. The speculation stems from an article published at 3DCenter.org, which questioned whether green team might be contemplating a full Ampere refresh with anti-mining features after kopite7kimi published a tweet claiming that the specifications and/or device IDs of current models would be EOLed. kopite7kimi later...

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We would all love to see another 50 cards hit the market. ;)

The rest of them will still be sold directly to Chinese mining firms.
Everyday that goes buy the less I think about new GPU's.

Pretty content atm, clearing my Steam backlog B)
If it puts cards into the hands of gamers, I'm all for it. I have never bought a video card with any thought to using it for mining.
Mining only cards make some sense, though they wouldn't be as desirable for mining since they have no resale in both markets, only in the mining market.
And yes there is no way Nvidia is crippling cards without having a mining only or at least some white label alternatives in the works.
Id imagine mining only cards could use way cheaper and perhaps way less memory, no video outputs too. Should be a cheaper card in general.
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