NVIDIA Is Urging Gamers to Lend Their Unused GPU Power Toward Fighting Coronavirus


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

If you’re running a powerful GPU that isn’t seeing much use, NVIDIA is encouraging you to donate some of that performance to Stanford University’s Folding@home projects, which leverage GPU and CPU computing power from hardware around the world to fight and better understand various diseases.

That would include the dangerous pandemic that’s on everyone’s mind today, 2019 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Researchers are hoping to better understand how COVID-19 interacts with human ACE2 receptors – the virus’s primary entry point – so they may find a way to block it by vaccine or other treatment.

PC Gamers, let’s put those GPUs to work. Join us and our friends at @OfficialPCMR in supporting folding@home and donating unused GPU computing power to fight...

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There does appear to be a large influx of people folding, having real issues connecting to work servers to get units.getting work units from servers as most seem empty.
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I would fold... but I need a far better cooler for my CPU my poor Ryzen with Wraith cooler becomes a space heater if I fold at home right now.

Anyone got a spare water cooler I can replace the wraith cooler with to get these temps down so I'm comfortable folding at home?
I would fold... but I need a far better cooler for my CPU my poor Ryzen with Wraith cooler becomes a space heater if I fold at home right now.

Anyone got a spare water cooler I can replace the wraith cooler with to get these temps down so I'm comfortable folding at home?
You can set the max number of cores you want to use to control the heat output. Select the client running the Ryzen from within FAHControl > Configure > Slots > select the cpu slot and click edit > set to something like 8 and monitor temps/sound. The fun one is doing GPU folding and tuning overclocks based on cap whine.

I used to fold .. got free Genmay forum access out of it and an inflated power bill. Just can't afford to do it anymore. .. and I don't think my computers helped cure anything either unfortunately ..
I folded for well over 10 years (and was up there in the [H] team rankings), but took my ball and went home (though, not sure how that WU got turned in 2 months ago as I know I didn't do it) after how they shut down the bigadv program.
Has anything ever come from folding? I don't recall ever hearing about how anything useful has ever come from it.
I’d do it if California power wasn’t an arm and a leg, I can’t really say I can’t afford it sitting on a $2k PC, but I’d rather donate my cash to Red Cross that fork it over to my dirty utility company
I wouldn't mind doing this so much if it was still winter.... folding on 2 system would keep my office nice and toasty. But now that it's already 75 inside (I refuse to turn on the AC in the middle of March) I don't want to turn my office into a sauna.
So if you have a GeForce now account can you fold on that? Because I might do that if so. ;) and is Nvidia putting thee unused gpu cycles in GeForce now to toward folding? Because they could be a team unto themselves.
So if you have a GeForce now account can you fold on that? Because I might do that if so. ;) and is Nvidia putting thee unused gpu cycles in GeForce now to toward folding? Because they could be a team unto themselves.
That would be a great example of putting your money where your mouth is
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