NVIDIA Now Owns 80 Percent of the GPU Market


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

As you might imagine, NVIDIA is selling a lot more GPUs than its primary competitor, AMD. Jon Peddie Research has revealed that green team now owns 80 percent of the discrete graphics card market, while red team is significantly behind at 20 percent. NVIDIA also increased its shipments by nearly 18 percent vs. the previous quarter, while AMD’s increased by 8.4 percent. Intel’s actually decreased by 2.7 percent.

The Highlights

AMD’s overall unit shipments increased by 8.4% quarter-to-quarter, Intel’s total shipments decreased by -2.7% from last quarter, and Nvidia’s increased by 17.8%.The overall attach rate of GPUs (includes integrated and discrete GPUs, desktop, notebook, and workstations) to PCs for the quarter was 126% which was up by 2.3% from last...

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Well not too shocking. AMDs offerings are decent but priced too close to to be the deciding factor. The question is.... Is price a deciding factor at all? Seems Nvidia ups the price people buy anyway... So a price war might be meaningless... I still think its the only way to go. I guess it just depends on what the offering is going to be, it would have to be cheap to make, so is cheap to sell, so the price/perf is a blowout.
I wonder, does AMD gets to keep what the they learn from the consoles for themselves to use even if it's something Sony or ms put in the console, you know gpu or cpu wise?
Well not too shocking. AMDs offerings are decent but priced too close to to be the deciding factor. The question is.... Is price a deciding factor at all? Seems Nvidia ups the price people buy anyway... So a price war might be meaningless... I still think its the only way to go. I guess it just depends on what the offering is going to be, it would have to be cheap to make, so is cheap to sell, so the price/perf is a blowout.
I wonder, does AMD gets to keep what the they learn from the consoles for themselves to use even if it's something Sony or ms put in the console, you know gpu or cpu wise?
NVIDIA has created the perception among the general PC hardware buying population that their products are the best. Being the only manufacturer currently with a halo product probably has something to do with. Reality is that under the 2080 Ti most, if not all, AMD products match are even beat NVIDIA's offerings within the same performance and price brackets. In my opinion I think AMD has had a messaging and branding issue ever since they bought out ATi and they have never gotten it right.
In my opinion I think AMD has had a messaging and branding issue ever since they bought out ATi and they have never gotten it right.

This. AMD and nVidia trade blows on engineering (although lately NV has pulled ahead, admittedly). But nVidia has successfully branded themselves as the Premium and AMD as the budget knock off — much the same as Intel did with CPUs in the 00s.

And AMD keeps playing into it, and never has found a hit message or stuck to a branding or marketing message long enough to pull out of it.

It has more to do with marketing than anything else I believe.
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I would love to see AMD step into marketing their product full force but the cost is very high. And really Nvidia can afford a marketing budget on par with AMD's entire graphics budget. AMD has proven they can work smarter in the CPU arena. They just need to find a way to translate that to the GPU arena. We all hope big navi will be a thing... but AMD has been too freaking silent on what is coming and all of the hardware form's are awash in nvidia uhhh... just Nvidia when it comes to video cards.

That's a hard row to hoe. Clearly it can be done... but I just want to watch AMD do it.

I hope they are sitting back letting Nvidia come out and launch their cards so AMD can do what Nvidia did to them last launch. And screw their margins. When AMD came out with their new cards, Nvidia just dropped prices on theirs by 50 bucks and AMD had to dance and do the same. So that will probably happen again.
OK as someone who hasn't had an AMD/ATI GPU for many years (I'm not counting laptops because that is a whole other can of worms).... have they fixed their drivers yet? Because it was not that long ago when the Radeon drivers were the scourge of mankind. The hardware always seemed to match up on specs more or less.

I like competition. More than that, we NEED it to keep prices down.
OK as someone who hasn't had an AMD/ATI GPU for many years (I'm not counting laptops because that is a whole other can of worms).... have they fixed their drivers yet? Because it was not that long ago when the Radeon drivers were the scourge of mankind. The hardware always seemed to match up on specs more or less.

I like competition. More than that, we NEED it to keep prices down.

I have three machines in my house: two are AMD (470, 580), one is nVidia (980).

In the last 5 years, I've had maybe 1 or 2 driver problems total across both AMD machines. I have a driver problem with almost every other release with the nVidia.

In my experience, since Windows 10 released (however many years ago that was), AMD has been a lot more stable with drivers than nVidia.

Also, AMD drivers don't require or default to asking for a login ~~

Totally anecdotal there, I realize. Neither company is perfect when it comes to drivers. But I cringe every time someone pulls up the Drivers argument against AMD, because they have come a very, very long way since the ATI days, and I would go in so far as to claim they are noticeably better than nVidia at it right now.

Whatever happened to that Intel GPU driver thing that was supposed to kick everyone's butt anyway? Seems like it was just coming out about the time Kyle started over there.
I like competition. More than that, we NEED it to keep prices down.
I don’t think we ever really get cheaper prices when there are only 2 players. We get the illusion of it because one always costs a bit less, but when one keeps pushing prices higher every year does it really matter when the cheaper one is still over-priced? Unfortunately I don’t think Intel jumping into the mix will help much, if at all. Considering past corporate behavior, I think price fixing would be a more likely result.
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