NVIDIA Releases Statement on Biden Administration’s “AI Diffusion” Rule for Enhancing U.S. National Security and Economic Strength, Calling I...


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Biden Administration now seeks to restrict access to mainstream computing applications with its unprecedented and misguided “AI Diffusion” rule, which threatens to derail innovation and economic growth worldwide.

See full article...
So... the tech isn't being restricted from going out. Volumes per trusted partner/vendor are restricted in such a matter that Nvidia doesn't like it but it isn't really ANTI anything other than empowering hostile nation states from using militarized AI processing to attack assets and holdings within their allies territories with agile AI drive attack methods and vectors. (Yea honestly that's real. AI has all of the patience and all of the capacity based on hardware to conduct truly debilitating attacks.)

While this will not prevent hostile nation states from developing their own as compute scales to AI demand the ability to easily scale and drive AI in foreign hostile powers is something that should be controlled as much as possible. Keeping their AI slower and less powerful than our own hostile AI engines (and I am confident we have such) is fine.
Nvidia doesn't like a throttle on the money pipe from foreign nations. Sorry when your tech suddenly becomes a military tool that happens.
Way too little and way too late to do what they want to accomplish

“foreign actors” can just get AWS or Azure accounts and not even have to foot the hardware. Sure, they aren’t supposed to be able to do that… 🙄

Or buy out all the old used phones and set up a massive Android bank until it becomes sentient.

That said, yeah we probably do need something like this to at least put a bandaid on it.
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