NVIDIA Sells $30 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency Mining Processors to Bitcoin Mining Company


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

NVIDIA’s decision to begin a lineup of GPUs dedicated specifically for cryptomining appears to be working out great for the company already. As spotted by Tom’s Hardware, Hut 8 Mining Corp., one of the world’s biggest Bitcoin mining companies, has placed a massive order of Cryptocurrency Mining Processors (CMP) worth $30 million. The collective performance of these graphics cards is said to reach up to 1,600 Gigahash, which presumably equates to a frightening level of energy consumption.

“The adoption and the development of applications interacting with various blockchain networks have never...

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An enviromental impact tax on mining please.

Or just send all the farms down south where no one gives a **** lol.
I guess I don't care if cryptocurrency-mining-specific GPUs are sold to miners. I just don't want miners getting their hands on cards that are supposed to be used for actually rendering 3D graphics.

Call me crazy, but I think Graphics Processing Units should be used for, oh I dunno, graphics.
I guess I don't care if cryptocurrency-mining-specific GPUs are sold to miners. I just don't want miners getting their hands on cards that are supposed to be used for actually rendering 3D graphics.

Call me crazy, but I think Graphics Processing Units should be used for, oh I dunno, graphics.

Distributed computing is the future, and GPU's just happen to do it the best. Like it or not, it's not going away.
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